継続的デリバリーの一歩: dbdeploy を使ってみた
dbdeploy とは、java 製のデータベース変更管理ツール。コマンドラインツールとしても使えるが、主な用途は ant タスクや maven プラグインとして利用すること。わりと歴史があるツールみたい。
PostgreSQL の createSchemaVersionTable が用意されていないので hsql 版を流用した。
maven のゴールでは changelog テーブルを作るところまではやってくれないのか。(sql-maven-plugin を使う?)また、undo するには工夫が必要っぽい。とりあえず、mvn dbdeploy:update で更新されることは確認できたので、また時間をおいて調査しようと思う。
maven プラグインの pom.xml の例 (PostgreSQL)
<project> ... <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>com.dbdeploy</groupId> <artifactId>maven-dbdeploy-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.0M3</version> <configuration> <scriptdirectory>src/main/sql</scriptdirectory> <driver>org.postgresql.Driver</driver> <url>jdbc:postgresql://localhost/testdb</url> <userid>user</userid> <password>pass</password> <dbms>pgsql</dbms> </configuration> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <version>9.1-901.jdbc4</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </plugin> </plugins> </build> ... </project>
maven プラグインのゴール一覧
ゴール | 説明 |
change-script | タイムスタンプ付きの空ファイルを生成するゴール |
db-scripts | 更新用のSQLファイルを生成するゴール(別途SQL生成用のテンプレートが必要?) |
update | DB対して直接変更するゴール(apply のみで undo は不可?) |
dbdeploy:change-script Description: Maven goal for creating a new timestamped dbdeploy change script. Implementation: com.dbdeploy.mojo.CreateChangeScriptMojo Language: java Available parameters: name (Default: new_change_script) Name suffix for the file that will be created (e.g. add_email_to_user_table). scriptdirectory (Default: ${project.src.directory}/main/sql) Directory where change scripts reside. dbdeploy:db-scripts Description: Maven goal for creating the apply and undo scripts. Implementation: com.dbdeploy.mojo.CreateDatabaseScriptsMojo Language: java Available parameters: changeLogTableName The name of the changelog table to use. Useful if you need to separate DDL and DML when deploying to replicated environments. If not supplied defaults to 'changelog' dbms String representing our DBMS (e.g. mysql, ora) delimiter Delimiter to use to separate scripts into statements, if dbdeploy will apply the scripts for you i.e. you haven't specified outputfile. Default ; delimiterType Either normal: split on delimiter wherever it occurs or row only split on delimiter if it features on a line by itself. Default normal. driver Specifies the jdbc driver. encoding (Default: ${project.build.sourceEncoding}) Encoding to use for change scripts and output files. lastChangeToApply The highest numbered delta script to apply. lineEnding Line ending to separate indiviual statement lines when applying directly to the database. Can be platform (the default line ending for the current platform), cr, crlf or lf. Default platform. outputfile The name of the script that dbdeploy will output. Include a full or relative path. password The password of the dbms user who has permissions to select from the schema version table. scriptdirectory (Default: ${project.src.directory}/main/sql) Full or relative path to the directory containing the delta scripts. templateDirectory Directory for your template scripts, if not using built-in undoOutputfile The name of the undo script that dbdeploy will output. Include a full or relative path. url Specifies the url of the database that the deltas are to be applied to. userid The ID of a dbms user who has permissions to select from the schema version table. dbdeploy:update Description: Maven goal for applying dbdeploy change scripts directly to the database. Implementation: com.dbdeploy.mojo.UpdateDatabaseMojo Language: java Available parameters: changeLogTableName The name of the changelog table to use. Useful if you need to separate DDL and DML when deploying to replicated environments. If not supplied defaults to 'changelog' delimiter Delimiter to use to separate scripts into statements, if dbdeploy will apply the scripts for you i.e. you haven't specified outputfile. Default ; delimiterType Either normal: split on delimiter wherever it occurs or row only split on delimiter if it features on a line by itself. Default normal. driver Specifies the jdbc driver. encoding (Default: ${project.build.sourceEncoding}) Encoding to use for change scripts and output files. lastChangeToApply The highest numbered delta script to apply. lineEnding Line ending to separate indiviual statement lines when applying directly to the database. Can be platform (the default line ending for the current platform), cr, crlf or lf. Default platform. password The password of the dbms user who has permissions to select from the schema version table. scriptdirectory (Default: ${project.src.directory}/main/sql) Full or relative path to the directory containing the delta scripts. url Specifies the url of the database that the deltas are to be applied to. userid The ID of a dbms user who has permissions to select from the schema version table.